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Remonter TS05015 TS05016 TS05017 HS05045 TS09015






Pt1000 based OneWire temperature sensor



General description of the sensor

The TS09015 is a digital temperature sensor using the OneWire technology.


This sensor's core is the Pt1000 platinium sensor type HEL716


The main characteristics of that sensor are:

Temperature range -200°C to +260°C
Resistor at 0°C 1000 Ohms ±0,2%
Linearity between -40°C and +125°C


Linearity between -200°C et +540°C


Resolution ±0,5°C ou 0,6% (the biggest of both)









Description Reference


PT1000 One Wire temperature sensor TS09525 SFR 195.-- + SFR 1.-- for each meter of cable

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Last modification / dernière modification : 15 décembre 2023