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24V RGB leds panels lighting control unit

 Vanity case style enclosure

Other types of enclosures available



General description

The Light3panels unit allows you to:


generate the 12 colors of the lighttherapy as well as a personal colour on 24V RGB led panels.


generate the white as well as black (no color) on 24V RGB led panels.


generate the lighttherapy Fibonacci sequence (faster and faster automatic color rotation until 5k color changes per second).

All the parameters are saved in a non volatile memory. When switched on, the Light3panels will recover in the exact state as it was when switched off.

The Light3panels is built of a color touch scree, a power card and a power supply.

Everything is located in a elegant, easy to move vanity case style enclosure.

The only connections are the mains (100-250V) and a connection for every of the 3 possible RGB led panels or groups of RGB led panels.


The user interface

The user interface is based on a colour touch screen allowing to:

Manage 3 RGB led panels or groups of RGB led panels. Max power: 24W per channel.

The panels must be 24V models. The light intensity variation is done with PWM.

For each panel  or group of panels, we can choose the colour: one of the 12 lighttherapy colours or white or black (no light) or a personal color or the Fibonacci sequence

Every time we change colour, a timer is displayed allowing us to know the time that colour is applied.


The RGB led panels

The RGB led panels must be 24V models. The light intensity variation is done with PWM.

Every rear RGB led panel connector gives the 24V and the power PWM for the three RGB colors.


The power supply

The ChromoLed is simply powered by the 110V/230V mains.



bulletInnovative solution for lightherapy as well as for ambiance light,
bulletTactile interface,
bullet3 RGB leds panels or panels groups can be individualy managed up to 1A, coulour and intensity









Description Reference


Light3panels E14505 Contact us

For more information: info@pongo.info


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Last modification / dernière modification : 15 décembre 2023