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Remonter EthDmxMod ACC3PwmMod Light3panels TOLD350 Light3spots ACCDmxMod





ETHERNET MODBUS to DMX512 interface


 Dimensions: 72mm x 90mm x 70mm

Clickable on a DIN rail


General description

The EthDmxMod allows you to


generate a DMX512 frame from Ethernet Modbus commands


to control DMX512 devices (usually lightings) with a PLC


The EthDmxMod is Ethernet Modbus compatible.


DMX512 part

The EthDmxMod is compatible with the 250 kbits/sec DMX512.

The EthDmxMod generates the entire DMX512 frame.

The DMX start code byte (precedes the first DMX512 byte) is 0.



Recognized commands: command 06 (write register) and 16 (write register(s)).

Registres allocation for commands 06 and 16:

Register (decimal)



Dmx512 frame

          MSB: byte 1 of Dmx512 frame

          LSB: byte 2 of Dmx512 frame


Dmx512 frame

          MSB: byte 3 of Dmx512 frame

          LSB: byte 4 of Dmx512 frame


Dmx512 frame

          MSB: byte 5 of Dmx512 frame

          LSB: byte 6 of Dmx512 frame


     ........      ........

Dmx512 frame

          MSB: byte 509 of Dmx512 frame

          LSB: byte 510 of Dmx512 frame


Dmx512 frame

          MSB: byte 511 of Dmx512 frame

          LSB: byte 512 of Dmx512 frame


The integrated web site

The EthDmxMod has a built-in web site. This web site is reachable by the IP address (ie: directly in the explorer address bar) or by the Hostname (ie http://ETHDMXMOD/ ).

Two pages are available:

1) The overview page gives the general informations:

2) The network configuration page gives the classical connection configuration values and allows to choose DHCP or not, the IP address and associated parameters as well as hostname. This page requires a user name and a password.

In clicking on the Restart Interface button, an information page is displayed.

The connection parameters are stored in a non volatile memory, are immediately applied and are used at further startups.


The Leds

The EthDmxMod has a two colors led (red + green). The red  led blinks at 1 second (life led). The green led illuminates briefly when a valid Modbus command is received.


The Buttons

The EthDmxMod has two buttons clearly identified by lables. The first button (Reset) is a hard reset button. The second button (ResetIp) is a connection parameters reinitialization button. A press between 3s and 8s validates the DHCP. A press >8s validates the DHCP and reinitializes the hostname to ETHDMXMOD. The EthDmxMod is restarted as soon as the button is released in taking the new parameters into account.


The default parameters

The default parameters are given on a label on the right hand side of the EthDmxMod. This allows to not have to find a user manual while being in a hidden place.


Power supply:

The EthDmxMod is powered by a 8 to 35V DC voltage.



bulletInnovative solution for using DMX512 lightings with PLCs
bulletEthernet Modbus Interface
bulletLow cost






Program allowing to discover all the EthDmxMod in your network (IP address)



Description Reference


EthDmxMod E13612 CHF 415.--
Power supply 230VAC -> 24VDC/0.5A ESC-1.24.050S CHF 35.--

For more information: info@pongo.info


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Envoyez un courrier électronique à webmaster@pongo.info pour toute question ou remarque concernant ce site Web.

Last modification / dernière modification : 15 décembre 2023